Do you work with refugees, those seeking asylum or other vulnerable migrants? Do you need help supporting them to learn English and acquire digital skills? Are you part of a community sponsorship group and need help meeting ESOL teaching requirements?
We are here to help.
We have a long history of partnering with organisations to deliver tailored courses which meet the specific needs of their clients.
Do you work with refugees, those seeking asylum or other vulnerable migrants? Do you need help supporting them to learn English and acquire digital skills? Are you part of a community sponsorship group and need help meeting ESOL teaching requirements? If this sounds familiar get in touch with us so we can discuss your needs.
We can then tailor a scheme of work to meet the requirements of your learners - taking location, learner level, content and any additional needs into account. We will then match you with a fully qualified teacher, and if necessary we can also help to source a venue, provide creche services and additional volunteers to assist in classes. Once the classes have got started we will then keep you up to date on how they are going, including learner attendance and progress.
How much does it cost?
We generally charge £55/hour for every hour of teaching we deliver - this covers: the teacher's time planning and teaching up to 12 students, the time of the management team monitoring and reporting, all resources for learners . Please don't let costs be prohibitive. If necessary, our fundraisers can help to look for alternative funding sources.
For more information about costs and help with funding please contact us.
Whether you need small group or individual ESOL provision, or Digital Skills classes, or a mixture of both, get in touch and see how we can help you and your clients.
“One of our long-term clients, has mobility problems and struggles with her mental health. Over the years we have supported this client, she has struggled to engage with community activities, she faces many barriers and a lot of these are internal barriers, such as fear of meeting new people. This client has attended Digital Skills classes both weeks, she has managed to make her own way to the building and arrived for her class on time. This has not always been easy for our client and so it quite rightly feels like a massive achievement.
Our client seemed so excited and told us today that she learnt how to type and delete things. She reported feeling confident to attend because the classes were held at the Snowdrop project and so she felt safe. She also said the teacher has been very helpful.”
Our Existing Partners
We have historically worked closely with many other organisations and charities across and around Sheffield to ensure ESOL and digital skills provision reaches those who need it most. Whether it’s through financial support, referring clients, providing spaces for us to hold our classes and much more, we work hard to maintain and foster good relationships with all our partners.