“The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself.”
The Bible is clear that we are called to love those seeking refuge in our communities. At Hope English School, we believe that every refugee or person seeking asylum should be able to live without fear and welcomed into community with us. Language is a key part of helping this to happen, which is why we provide high quality English classes to help empower those we work with, give them the skills they need to be part of our community and provide them with hope for a better future.
We want to invite local churches to partner with us and join our ‘Network of Hope’, and through this reach more people who may be isolated, lonely and unable to communicate.
Become one of our partner churches and support our work both through prayer and financially.
To find out more please get in touch and we would be delighted to meet with you and talk more about how you can help.
About us….
Hope English School was started by Christians who saw the isolation faced by those who were unable to communicate with the people around them. Motivated by love for the individual and a belief that education is a key tool for empowerment and a future of hope, we started delivering small group English classes, run by qualified and experienced teachers. As demand for our services has grown, we are now made up of a small team of teachers, office staff and volunteers allowing us to reach more people who are in desperate need of our services.
We seek to remove traditional barriers to ESOL services, such as childcare, lack of availability of women only classes, lack of provision for those with complex situations or learning/access needs. We believe that everyone has a right to the education they need, and so we offer a bespoke service, which we can adapt to the changing needs of our students.
If you have members of your congregation who would benefit from our services, please speak to us, as one of our partner churches we are able to offer classes at a reduced cost or even free of charge.
“I was a stranger and you invited me in”
Matthew 25
Complete the form below and one of the team will be in touch with you to arrange a convenient time to chat: