“Digital skills and English language skills are key to inclusion in society. Gaining these skills, along with the confidence and motivation to use them in real life, can help people to have better lives”
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we use the internet and digital skills are now essential in order to engage with an ever increasingly “online” world. This has highlighted, more than ever before, the divide between those with and without access to digital devices and those skills needed to navigate them.
“this ‘digital divide’ can present particular challenges to students from different cultures, and ESOL learners are potentially more likely to be digitally excluded” (Excellence Gateway)
Hope English School’s Digital Skills program has been developed to help bridge this divide.
What is it?
A twelve week digital-skills training programme, specifically designed for speakers of other languages. Material has been taken from the Learn My Way course (with permission from the Good Things Foundation) and adapted for the ESOL classroom. All classes are delivered by experienced Hope English School ESOL teachers.
WHo is it aimed at?
The course is designed for adult learners who have a base level of English (E2 or above) and minimal digital skills. We can accommodate up to twelve students in a class.
what does it cover?
The twelve week programme includes the following topics : Keyboard Basics, Online Basics, Using Email, Completing Online Forms, Using Office Programs, Learning Online, Socialising Online, Online Safety, Online Shopping, Finding a Job, Accessing Health and Local Services Online.
We are able to deliver the course anywhere in South Yorkshire where there is power and an internet connection. Current classes are taking place in charity buildings, community centres and church halls. We bring all of the necessary devices and learning materials. You can either provide a venue or Hope English School can help to source one.
The course is for two hours per week for twelve weeks. We will agree on the day/time which works best for you and your clients. Learners are expected to attend week on week and we do not teach during school holidays.
What is included in the course?
Included in the cost of the course are: One fully qualified teacher who will deliver two hours of teaching a week, electronic devices and learning material for up to twelve learners, weekly WhatsApp class reminders for learners. A variety of optional extras can be quoted for separately, such as room hire (if not provided by you), travel expenses (if outside of Sheffield), creche service (if needed).
If you would like to discuss running the Digital Skills Course at your organisation, or for more information about pricing please contact enquiries@hopeenglishschool.org.
Do you work with clients wo could benefit from our Digital Skills course? Find out how you can partner with us.
Would you like to sponsor a digital skills class or learner? Find out more here.
““the ‘digital divide’ can present particular challenges to students from different cultures, and ESOL learners are potentially more likely to be digitally excluded””